Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I'm that person?

Last night, I was reading my book in the living room. I had the patio door open, and was enjoying the cool breeze blowing in. Engrossed in my book, I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard a loud *bang*sploosh* on the front deck. I looked outside. Water balloon.

I jumped off the couch, and went out on to the deck. Across the street were 3 boys running back to their front yard. I yelled out, "Hey! You kids! Whatcha doing?!?" All three boys visibly jumped, and then just bolted into the house and closed the door without even looking back at me. I think I scared them. Then it dawned on me…

I'm that crotchety old person that lives in that big house with the neat garden and yells at all the kids when they throw water balloons at the house. When did I become THAT person? When did I become the one yelling at the kids, and stopped being the one running away? OMG...I'm crotchety….and old…ok, maybe 40 something isn’t that old. But, crap…it’s just water after all. Do I really need to go over there to complain. No! Maybe all I need is to run over to Toys R Us to by the biggest darn Super Soaker you can buy…and then….Cripes!…Stop it! They are just kids. No harm done. You are not OLD, you are not CROTCHETY, and you will NOT take revenge. Just forget about it and go to bed.

Today, they were back. And, I did end up going over there. They hit the screen door on the patio, and got water all over the couch and carpet in the living room. I spoke with their Mom (she was really nice about it), and just explained that I didn’t want them to break a window. As I was walking home, I saw them. I asked them to come over, and they did, reluctantly. I explained that they hit an open window, and got water inside my house.

"It wasn't me", said one of the kids. (yeah, kid...feed me another line...I invented the "it wasn't me" bs...)
"Don't give me that", I said. (what did I just say? And why do I sound like my mother!!??!?!)
"I know it was you...I saw you guys last night" (oh God, I am turning into my mother!)
"Anyways, why not bomb the trees in the front of the house?," I said. "Much better than aiming for the house." (whew…my last ditch attempt to shake the crotchety old persona, and come down to their level. See, I’m not so bad after all…)
They agreed, although I think they felt a little embarrassed that they got caught. After all, it was only water! Meanwhile, the little devil on my shoulder still wants to go to Toys R Us. :-)


RV Diva said...

And just what is so bad about being like your Mother??? I must admit though that very often I've had the same thoughts about being like my mother!! C'est la vie!!

Sandy said...

Yeah, I hear my mother's voice in my ear coming out of my mouth, too. I guess it's inevitable. But complaining about water being tossed INSIDE your house doesn't exactly make you the Wicked Witch.

Pam said...

Ugh! I hate when I sound like my mother. I suppose it happens to everyone. Getting a Super Soaker could be viewed as revenge ... or it could be viewed as the cool neighbor lady who joined in on the water fun. Matter of perspective. Something to think about.

Miss Lady Grey said...

Pam -- I like your way of thinking!!

Thanks all for your comments!