Monday, March 6, 2017

what do you do?

What do you do when your Chiropractor is sick? My back has been bugging me for a while, but my chiropractor cancelled my last appointment due to him having the flu. Well, I thought I could rebook the appointment this week, but I found out that my chiropractor was sick with the flu, but was feeling really dizzy with vertigo. So, he went to his doctor. He has a tumour in his brain, and had to go in for surgery (he had surgery the day I flew home from Houston). He will be off work for another 8 weeks or so. I'm so worried for him. And sad. And I really hope he is ok. He does have someone filling in for him a couple days a week at his office. But, I've had some bad experiences with chiros in the past, so I'm anxious about going to anyone new.

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