Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I finished another book this week.
The Appeal, by John Grisham.

Honestly, I used to love his books. The Firm was my all time favourite of his. But, then a few years ago, his books got....well...boring. They all seem to be the same now. But, each year, I pick up his latest (in paperback...I can't justify paying the price for hardcover books anymore) or ask for it for Christmas. And each year, I read his latest cover to cover. And each time I say, "That's it. I'm not reading another John Grisham novel again! I like his writing, but his stories are just getting....What's that? He has a new one out now? The Associate, you say. mmmmm....well, maybe I'll read just one more!"

1 comment:

Pam said...

I think the problem with writer's like Grisham, who pump out a book or more a year is that their stories become very formulaic. Then they all start to sound the same. This is true of many popular authors. Not sure why they're popular!