Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I'm not a vampire!

HIM: "You're a vampire."
ME: "I am not! Why would you say that?"
HIM: "Because you don't like the sun."
ME: "I like the sun...sort of." said somewhat unconvincingly.
HIM: "No you don't. You always wear your sunglasses when you go outside, and you always sit in the shade."
ME: "That's because I don't want skin cancer."
HIM: "But you wear your sunglasses on cloudy days."
ME: "Well, I get headaches if I don't. I told you...it's the same reason I sneeze when I walk into a bright room, or walk into the sun. The Doctor said I have some sort of allergy or something..."
HIM: "So you are allergic to the sun?"
ME: "That's not what I said!"
HIM: "There are other reasons. You prefer the night time. You don't like garlic..."
ME: "I like garlic! Just not too much of it."
HIM: "You don't like garlic, and you like your steaks rare."
ME: "Yah, so?"
HIM: "Hello!!! Blood! You like your steaks bloody!"
ME: "So, what are you saying?"
HIM: "You are a vampire!"
ME: "I am not! At least...I don't think I am...."


Anonymous said...

Great post! You made me laugh this morning!

Pam said...

In case you hadn't heard, vampires are very hot right now. I say embrace it!