Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Google searches

people have found and visited my blog by typing the following phrases into Google (see italic phrases below). It still amazes me what people will type into Google these days...and what brings them to my blog...

lady grey stories

Miss lady men

what happens if you stay in the room with lady grey

I don't know...what??

Lady Grey (in ever-lower light)

mmmmm....is that a suggestion? or a observation?

"see without" OR "blind without" OR "bat without" lasik OR "laser eye" OR glasses OR contacts OR "contact lenses" site:blogspot.com

crap...with a search like that, no wonder they can't find what they are looking for.

wanted mismatched china

OK, that one I understand. Although, I'm not sure I want to be known for having mismatched china.

miss lady car


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