Sunday, October 21, 2012

To do Lists

I'm still sick. This cold / flu has been hanging on for over a week now, and enough already! I'm tired of sniffling! But most of all, I'm tired of not getting anything done. I've spent the better part of the week sleeping or lying around the house with no energy. Which in of itself is a good thing, but doesn't lend itself to getting much of the "To Do" list accomplished.

There are recipes I want to make, dinners to prepare, housework to do (I finally loaded the dishwasher today!). Blogging! Crafts. Catching up on my reading (I'm dying to finish the book I started on the plane coming home from Houston, but haven't had a chance to pick it up since I landed!).

And then it suddenly occurred to me!
The solution to having a To Do List that is long and overwhelming....

Throw out the list!

End of story!
And off I go, back to the couch, to relax in peace!

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