Friday, January 11, 2013

Too busy to blog...

I have a confession. We still haven't taken our Christmas decorations down. The tree got un-decorated and tossed outside for e-recycling. And the village was disassembled. But that's about it. Honestly, I'm still rocking to the Elvis' Christmas CD in the car on the way home from work every night.
So, what have we been doing?
Working. Lots.
Playing with my new iPad.
Playing with my new washer and dryer. I've done like 14 loads in less than a week. I didn't think we had that many clothes, towels, blankets and comforters!
Oh, and getting ready to go to Houston.
I leave on Sunday morning.
I kind of get the feeling that Christmas will still be up in February.
Mind you, it won't be the first time that has happened here.

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