Thursday, April 2, 2009


I love surprises. Presents of any sort just make my day. No matter how small or insignificant they might be. If someone gives me something unexpectedly, I love it!
Today is a great day.
First, the CFO of our company sent me a box of chocolates for all the work I did for them the last 2 months. It arrived by courier this morning. mmmmmmmm! They are the GOOD chocolates too. They come from a place called Roger's Chocolates which is a company based in Victoria since 1885.

Second. Yesterday I complained to the city because our recycling boxes were put out on the curb yesterday morning, and yesterday afternoon, they were gone. It turned out that the stupid recycling guys put the box in front of our neighbour's house instead of ours. Our neighbour was kind enough to stop by last night and ask if it was ours, and if we wanted it back. But that was AFTER I had called the city to complain. I guess the city reacted to my complaint, because this morning, I found this in front of our house!
A brand new shiny box with...not 2...but 4....count them....4....shiny new bags inside. :-)
I told you it doesn't take much to make me happy!

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