Dear Shaun Cassidy
I heard you are going to be on Oprah today! I simply cannot wait! I was totally and completly in love with you when I was a teenager. Or didn’t you get my fan letter? No worries, it was a long time ago. And it’s not like I wrote a ton of letters to you or anything. I wasn’t one of those obsessive fans that wrote you every week. No, I just wrote one letter, and mailed it. Or did I? Cripes Shaun, it was a long time ago. I barely remember…
But, I do still remember that silly butterfly feeling I got when I saw a picture of you. I bought every copy of Teen Beat Magazine that had a picture of you in it, and methodically cut out each picture and pasted them into my Shaun Cassidy scrapbook. Yes, Shaun, I loved you that much, that you had your very own scrapbook!
I had your album, and still remember your songs…. “Da Doo Ron Ron”…. “Do you believe in Magic?”… YES! I believe in Magic! I even took the album cover to my hair dresser once, and told her to cut my hair just like yours! In hindsight, that wasn't such a great idea.

And, I think I watched every episode of the Hardy Boys ever broadcast! Although, my memory would be hard pressed to recite even one line from any episode now-a-days.
But *sigh*, you never wrote me back, or maybe I never mailed the letter to begin with, and you never called, and never even acted like you knew I existed. So, I moved on with my life. I’m now a grown woman with a mortgage, my own car, a totally different hairstyle, and a husband. Yes, Shaun, I had to move on! I could not wait forever for you to fall into my life and sweep me off of my feet. But, I do wonder what you have been up to the last 30 some odd years. And I’m curious to see how “old” you are now. So, I’ll skip out of work early today, and go watch Oprah, because I’m dying to see you again. Just one more time, for old time’s sake!
After that, you’ll have to excuse me while I go try to explain to my husband why I have a scrapbook dedicated to a guy I never met, and I can’t seem to find the time to finish a scrapbook of my wedding!
I heard you are going to be on Oprah today! I simply cannot wait! I was totally and completly in love with you when I was a teenager. Or didn’t you get my fan letter? No worries, it was a long time ago. And it’s not like I wrote a ton of letters to you or anything. I wasn’t one of those obsessive fans that wrote you every week. No, I just wrote one letter, and mailed it. Or did I? Cripes Shaun, it was a long time ago. I barely remember…
But, I do still remember that silly butterfly feeling I got when I saw a picture of you. I bought every copy of Teen Beat Magazine that had a picture of you in it, and methodically cut out each picture and pasted them into my Shaun Cassidy scrapbook. Yes, Shaun, I loved you that much, that you had your very own scrapbook!
I had your album, and still remember your songs…. “Da Doo Ron Ron”…. “Do you believe in Magic?”… YES! I believe in Magic! I even took the album cover to my hair dresser once, and told her to cut my hair just like yours! In hindsight, that wasn't such a great idea.

And, I think I watched every episode of the Hardy Boys ever broadcast! Although, my memory would be hard pressed to recite even one line from any episode now-a-days.
But *sigh*, you never wrote me back, or maybe I never mailed the letter to begin with, and you never called, and never even acted like you knew I existed. So, I moved on with my life. I’m now a grown woman with a mortgage, my own car, a totally different hairstyle, and a husband. Yes, Shaun, I had to move on! I could not wait forever for you to fall into my life and sweep me off of my feet. But, I do wonder what you have been up to the last 30 some odd years. And I’m curious to see how “old” you are now. So, I’ll skip out of work early today, and go watch Oprah, because I’m dying to see you again. Just one more time, for old time’s sake!
After that, you’ll have to excuse me while I go try to explain to my husband why I have a scrapbook dedicated to a guy I never met, and I can’t seem to find the time to finish a scrapbook of my wedding!
1 comment:
u are too funny!
get to work on your wedding scrapbook...
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