Friday, June 12, 2009

hour by hour roof update

Today, we had our roof replaced. It's my first time. I've lived in apartments most of my adult life, and this is the first time I've owned a home, and had to have the roof replaced. What may seem like a normal thing for most people, turned into quite the adventure for me. Typical of me, I had to document the day with emails to hubby every hour with an update. :-) Not to mention the hourly breaks to go outside, check on the progress, and take pics. Bear with me...this is a long post!
7:30 am -- big crane shows up with stuff for roof. Makes a ton of noise, and blocks the street while unloading. Neighbours can't be too happy.

9:00 -- A few of the roofers show up and start tarping things, and start ripping off shingles.
10:00 -- Big crane came back with more stuff! 2 pickup trucks, with even more stuff. How much stuff does it take to re-shingle a roof anyways?! 8 guys on roof now. Each one is banging on something. Shingles flying everywhere, and somehow they’ve managed to avoid getting anything anywhere near the pool. Packed up laptop, and moved downstairs to the semi-quiet basement. Too noisy upstairs. Can still hear everything down here, but it's not quite so loud.
11:00 -- Could it be that they are getting quieter? Or am I just getting used to the noise? They’ve already done ½ of the back of the house. So far, looks great! But then, what do I know about roofs? They’ve had to replace one section of plywood (a couple of pieces I think). Other than that, everything is going smoothly. One guy said they want to get done in time for the hockey game tonight. I said we had a big screen downstairs…no need to rush. He said if I had a fridge full of beer too none of them would leave! Shoot…we don’t have any beer!

Noon -- They ran out of nails. Someone wasn’t on the ball this morning, and had to leave to run out and get more roof nails. They are continuing to do the tear off, but there are a couple of guys taking a bit of a break right now. Apparently, I can’t count. There are only 7 guys, not 8. But, they are doing well, and are right on schedule. They expect to be done in about 3 or 4 hours.

Missed the 1:00 and 2:00 updates. Actually had to do a bit of work.

3:00 -- Things are progressing well. They look like they are almost done. I went outside with my camera, and one of the guys asked if I wanted pictures from the roof. I said, OK, and handed him my camera. He got some great shots from up there. They did the pump shed. And it looks like they will be finished with the roof in another ½ hour or so. But they still have all the clean up to do. There are nails and crap everywhere!

4:10 -- They are done! And it looks great. 2 of the guys actually asked if they could jump off the roof into the pool. Of course, I said Yes...just let me grab my camera first!


Pam said...

wow! That roof jump looks like fun. I would have been terrified that he would miss the pool, hit the deck and I'd have a huge lawsuit on my hands. LOL! Now the obvious question is.... Have you jumped off the roof into the pool yet?

Miss Lady Grey said...

NO way! I won't even get up on the roof. (scared of heights). It is hubby's job to go up there!
I told the roofers they had to sign a waiver. But, when they asked where the waiver was, I gave in and made them promise not to sue if they got hurt. We've been in the house 6 years now, and the 2 roofers are the first to jump off the roof into the pool.