Monday, January 11, 2010

recap (spoke too soon)

Well, it seems that acupuncture isn't the cure all that I thought it was going to be. I still have pain. And while the pain is somewhat manageable, it is still keeping me from participating in "life". Mind you....they do say that you need more than one acupuncture treatment to feel better. So, I will go back. I pray that by the end of the month, things will start looking up, so I can put this all behind me.

In the meantime, we tried to take down our Christmas decorations this weekend. Between my hip pain, and A's difficulty trying to quit smoking....well, we only got about 1/2 of the stuff put away. But that's ok. I'm so glad A quit smoking. It's going on 11 days today, and he's doing so much better than he's done in the past.

One of my New Year's resolutions was to get rid of all our "junk". I think I've been watching too much of that show "Hoarders" lately. But, I've decided that we have too much stuff for just 2 people. So, last week, I did 2 things. One -- I got rid of a microwave that we had here. It was given to us as a of those that goes over the stove. We were going to put it up, but for a few reasons, we did not. So, we sold it (cheap) to my brother who's microwave konked out on him a few days ago. Two -- I went through my closet and threw out a garbage bag full of clothes I haven't worn in years. Don't know why I was keeping them. They are now on the front porch, along with a box of old shoes, waiting for Canadian Diabetes to pick them up.

It feels good to get rid of the stuff we don't use anymore. And even better that the stuff is going to someone who can use it.

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