Saturday, January 9, 2010

back/hip update

My hip pain is still giving me grief. My back is doing better, but the pain in my hips means I compensate when I walk or move around, and my back keeps going out. The chiropractor has been great, but the adjustments only work for 24 - 48 hours and then the pain returns. It's been 8 weeks now, and I've decided that the chiropractor wasn't going to solve my problem. A few trips to my Doctor, and I decided that he wasn't going to find anything wrong with my hips either. The x-rays, blood tests, and all other tests came back normal. I haven't done the ultrasound yet, but that isn't for another 3 weeks, and I don't think they'll find anything either.
In all this, I decided to try acupuncture.

Have you ever had acupuncture? No, me either. Until this weekend. And I have to admit...I HATE the very fact that I was considering this, goes to show just how frustrated I had become over the last few weeks.

My first appointment was this weekend, and I have to admit that the experience was incredible. I feel absolutely 100 times better than I did going into this. The needles didn't hurt, but felt "odd". It was just a different feeling. The pain in my hips hasn't gone away, but it is noticeably less than before. And I feel like I have a ton of energy, and yet I'm so calm and peaceful. If nothing was wrong with me, I think I would still go for acupuncture, just to feel this amazing again. It's incredible.

Anyways, I have to go back in a week for another treatment. I'm definitely going back. In fact, I'm actually looking foward to it now. I can't believe that after 8 weeks, I think I've finally found the relief that I've been looking for. It's a wonderful feeling.

1 comment:

RV Diva said...

I told you it wouldn't hurt!!! It's the only thing that helped my glad it's helping you. Ga, Dad and I are having a great time.