Monday, January 18, 2010

weekend recap

Another acupuncture treatment. But this one didn't have the same effect as last one. I came out of there feeling extremely tired, and cranky. Certainly, not the zen like experience I had the first time. My life is still a series of chiropractor visits, acupuncture treatments, and doctor's visits. I hope things start to look up soon. I'm getting very frustrated with the whole mess.

Finally got all our Christmas decorations put away, and the lights off of the outside of the house. Glad to get that done. House is clean and "normal" looking now.

Spent some time with the neice and nephew this weekend. It was nice to see them. She is so adorable, and fun to be with. And, he's not even a year old, but has a smile that melts you. She showed me the Muppets version of Bohemian Rhapsody on YouTube. Yes, it's the Queen song. Modified, slightly. Can't have muppets singing "Mama, I killed a man....", now can you? Have you seen it? It's absolutely hilarious. I also found out that my neice and I have the same "favourite" muppet character. Beaker!!

Bought a new skin for my Ipod! Girly pink. Just like my Nintendo DS. I think I choose pink, just so "A" won't try and borrow my toys!

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