Tuesday, January 19, 2010

power outage

The dishwasher was running, my cell phone was charging, and I had spent the morning working on my laptop in the living room. With only 1/2 hour of battery life left on the laptop, I decided I had better plug in for the remainder of the morning. That was at 11:00. At 11:05, the power went out.
I went around and un-plugged everything (don't want a power surge to ruin the nice TV, or the computers!). Then called the boss, to let him know I was offline. Then I sat back and listened to the alarm system *beep*beep* every 10-15 seconds. I decided I had better find something to do.
I can't go out...the garage door is electric, and I don't know how to open it by anything other than pressing that glowing button in the garage.
Maybe I should call someone. Oh right...my cell phone is dying.
It's getting chilly in here...oh, right...the furnace won't turn on because the thermostat is electric.
And, that damn alarm system is driving me crazy!
So, I turned on the gas fireplace
dug out my cross-stitch
and plugged my IPod earbuds in.
(woohoo! no more *beep*beep*!!!).
Until the power came back on 1/2 hour later. Damn. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

1 comment:

RV Diva said...

Amazing how much we depend on electricity isn't it? Just as bad as the phone being out...of course your phones were out because they cordless instead of "plugged in".