Thursday, January 21, 2010

Zen like experiences

When I went to the acupuncturist clinic on the weekend, I noticed how the office felt when I walked in. It's a very calming place. Almost spa-like in it's atmosphere. I noticed a water fountain in the waiting room. And a wonderful spa-like smell coming from some candles nearby.
So, I decided I wanted to recreate that zen-like experience at home.
Out came a tray, some tealights, and ornamental rocks to build this...

which is sitting on the coffee table...
And then I rescued the water fountain from the garden shed out back -- cleaned all the moss and spider webs off of it -- had "A" monkey with the pump to get it working again -- and voila! Calm soothing sound of bubbling water.
Now, I just need to get some "smelly" candles to complete the experiment. But, the results so far are perfect.

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