How I came to read it: I saw the movie trailer and decided to read the book first before the movie came out on video. The book is usually better than the movie, and I like to read the book first, so the movie won't spoil the ending of the book. The book also got really good reviews on chapters.ca and other websites.
The Story: The storyline was very original, and the way the story was written was well organized. I loved how she bounced back and forth in time and how the story unfolded as she did so. The author had obviously done a lot of "thinking" about what it would be like to time travel, as you almost got the sense that she wrote the book from experience. The author kept the story real, despite the fact that she was writing about something "unreal".
The writing: Easy to read. I loved the short "blog-like" entries that made up each chapter, and how the story was told from different points of view. It made it very interesting to read.
Recommend?: Yes, I would definitely recommend it. I really enjoyed it.
I tried to read this awhile back, and couldn't get into it! I need to pick it back up!
Sounds good. Can I borrow it?? Mom
I read this when it first came out and I simply LOVED it. I also saw the movie and thought it was pretty well done.
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