Friday, February 5, 2010

"Loving a free and feeling spirit
Of hugging a tree when you get near it
digging the snow and the rain and the bright sunshine
draggin' the line"

song lyrics from Draggin' the line by Tommy James & The Shondells

And with unseasonably warm weather in Vancouver, it's feeling more like the Spring Olympics than the Winter Olympics.
Some of us are loving the warmth...

Others, not so much...

(Yes, those are pics of poinsettias left over from Christmas time)
Fingers crossed the organizers are able to keep enough snow on Cypress Mountain to pull off all the competitions scheduled for there.
In the meantime, it's a beautiful sunny day in Vancouver, and I'm again reminded of why I love living here.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

I was watching the reports about the games this morning and over the weekend and enjoying the glimpses of places I remember in our visits in the past. Granville Island was so much fun! Definitely a tourist destination, but such a lovely view.