Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Wish List

I have a book called The Wish List, by Barbara Ann Kipfer. It's just a list of all possible things you can do in your life. The list is thousands of entries long. Some ideas are very attainable, others, not so much. Such things as...
- spend a romantic weekend at a luxury resort on the French Riviera
- go scuba-diving
- comprehend the Theory of Relativity
- spend a day surfing the internet
- volunteer at a local soup kitchen
- meet the Dalai Lama
- raise sheep

...and it goes on and on. You get the idea.
What you probably don't get, and what I didn't realize until I started reading it, was how motivating this book can be. First, it gives you all kinds of ideas of what you CAN do. Some things you may not have thought of before. Others, you are already doing or have already done. Reading the book makes me actually WANT to do them all. Well, almost all of them.

Anyways, I decided to start my own book (or actually, more like a list....you know me! I'm borderline OCD, so I'm all about the "lists"!) The Have Done List. Things that I have done, that I tend to forget about in day-to-day life. I try to fill it up with interesting things each time I do something different. So far, the list is not long, and some entries may be considered un-important to some people. But it's my list, and there are a couple of entries that make me smile, and be thankful I had the chances I have had in my life. Here are just a few...
- ride in a helicopter over Downtown Vancouver
- eat lunch at a classy restaurant alone
- hug a tiger (I have a picture to prove this...I will dig it out and post it one day).
- visit Old Montreal
- spend an afternoon at a small restaurant overlooking the Mediterranean

But, there are far more things in my WANT list than on my DONE list. I think I will make a concerted effort in the next few months to try and get more things checked off my list.

1 comment:

RV Diva said...

Okay borderline OCD..if you were compulsive it would be CDO..MUST be in alaphabetical order you know!! Sounds like a fun book, but I can always come up with something interesting to do, and I know you can too!