Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thursday's Why Me

I’m driving along, on the highway, going around a corner, when I feel something hit my leg, and hear something fall on the floor of the car beneath my feet.
What was that?
Oh, maybe I put my sunglasses on my lap, and they fell on the floor.
No, silly. Your sunglasses are on your head.
A quick glance down did not reveal the item.
Well, then maybe it was the garage door opener?
A quick glance up showed that the garage door opener was right where it always is.
Damn, what was it?
Cell phone?
Reach over….nope cell phone is still in purse.
Ok…traffic is slowing down here, and we are coming to a light. Stopping for the light…looking down…
My window lever?!?!
It fell off?!?!?!?
How does it do that?!
WHY did it do that?
It no longer wants to be attached to the door, so just *plop*, off it comes?
I know I have an older car, but a 1996 model isn’t THAT old, is it?
Or is it?
Is my car at the age now that things just decide they are going to start to fall off for no particular reason?
And if so, what’s next?
My brain swirls as I have visions of driving down the road, and the door just decides to *plop* off into the middle of traffic, followed by the bumpers *plop*plop*, then the passenger door *plop*, and then all the panels in my car, until all that’s left is the frame of the car, which grinds to a stop as the engine falls to the ground.*plop*
Crap….stop thinking like that!!
Back to reality here. No window lever. So, how am I supposed to open the window now?
mmm….maybe I don’t NEED to open the window.
Crap! Wendy’s Drive thrus! How am I supposed to get a Frosty if I can’t go through the drive thru??

When I finally reached my destination, I had decided that the window lever could just *click* back into place. I did that, but a few blocks later, it fell off again.
*sigh* Why me?

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