Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Welcome to Fall!

This is my favourite time of year. I love the cooler crisp days, especially when the sun is shining. I love the colours! I love watching the leaves change.
And, best of all, I get to use my favourite mug, from Starbucks, that I got for my birthday last year.
Though it is amazing how fast time flies. I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday, who said something like " the end of the month, next week..." I stopped for a second, and realized that September is OVER at the end of next week. Then we are into October. What? Didn't September just start?? Where did the time go? And why does time seem to go so much faster the older you get?

1 comment:

RV Diva said...

Remember, Life is like a roll of toilet paper...the closer you get to the end of the roll, the faster it goes!!!!