Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Yesterday, I mentioned that I have a lot of unfinished craft projects on the go. Well, this week, I've decided to try and put a dent in some of them. The idea is to pick up one item, and work on it until completed, before going on to the next. Now, my attention span is like a 2 year old's, so it will be interesting to see if I can actually do this or not.

I don't normally post pictures of half finished projects. I never know when I'm going to finish them, and it could be months (or even years) before you see it again. So, by actually posting a pic of an unfinished project, then I kind of force myself to finish it, don't I? So, I promise to post a pic each week of the current project, so you can see the progress (or lack of progress) made. And it will force me to actually get something done, because I don't want to face the embarrassment of having something linger around for months at a time. At least, that is the intention.

Here's the first item. It's a cross-stitch pattern. I won't tell you what it's going to be...I'll let the pictures do the talking. But, it's not a complicated pattern (in fact, it's quite easy), so I chose it as my first because I think I can get it done in as little time as possible.

Keep in mind that I'm not the kind of stitcher that can finish a project in hours. When a pattern says it takes 8 hours to complete....well, that will take me weeks to finish. I envy those stitchers that can bang off small projects in record time. But, I know that I will never be like that. I usually don't have enough time in the week to work on stuff....

(SEE!! The excuses are starting already!!!)

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