Monday, October 4, 2010

Christmas can come anytime now!

It seems odd to be thinking about Christmas at the beginning of October. But, that's exactly what happened this weekend. I actually picked up a Christmas gift on Friday after work! That's right. I bought my first Christmas present already.

Now, before you start thinking that I'm becoming some sort of dweeb, that has all their Christmas shopping and wrapping and baking and decorating done by December 1st, you can just forget it. I'm not like that. And please shoot me if I ever do get like that. The best part of December for me is the build up to Christmas. All the decorating, the baking and the wrapping. I usually make a big production out of it all, and of course, drink copious quantities of eggnog, and watch every cheezy Christmas movie around, while doing so. And then there's the shopping. All that running around the stores with the elevator Christmas muzac playing in the background... I'm in heaven! What can I say? I'm a gluton for punishment!

Seriously though, I was in the mall a couple of weeks ago, and came across a small item that I was going to pick up for A for Christmas a few years ago. I wasn't able to find it then, so I put it in the back of my brain for later. Well, I found something similar at the mall, and asked if they had the exact thing I was looking for. They said they didn't, but they could order extra charge. They did, and I picked it up on Friday. I can't say what it is, but it's just a little stocking stuffer that I'm sure he will like.

Now, this isn't the first year I've done Christmas stuff this early. I once bought a Christmas tree (an artificial one) from Costco in September. Go figure!

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