Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tues morning recap

Last year at this time, I was sicker than a dog (I swear I had the H1N1 virus) and completely missed out on Thanksgiving. This year, I've been taking my vitamins, and herbal remedies faithfully for the last few weeks, just so I would not get sick and miss another turkey dinner. I love turkey! And the one we had this weekend was a beaut!

I hate raccoons. They were living it up under our back deck on Friday night in the pouring rain. And, when we tried to chase them out, they just looked at us to say "what you going to do about it?". On Saturday, we boarded up the under part of the deck extra tight. Hopefully, they won't be back.
I love my house, but I hate cleaning it.
I love the waffle maker my hubby bought for me for Christmas last year. There's nothing like a fresh home-made waffle on a holiday Monday morning.
That's it. I ain't got much this morning, because... well, not much happened this weekend. For a long weekend, it was quite non-eventful. But very relaxing and very enjoyable.

1 comment:

Cathie said...

I love reading your blog - even when you have nothing going on! Keeps you guys close :)