Saturday, October 9, 2010

Pool Guy!

Remember last week, the pool guy didn't show up? Well, we decided to call around for someone different. This time, they actually showed up. And fixed our leaky pool filter!! *yeah!* And (here's the best part)... it's not going to cost as much as we thought!! I don't have the exact bill yet... he said they will just send me a bill in the mail. But, he said it would be about 1/2 of what I expected it to be. So, not only is our leaky filter fixed, it's cheaper than we thought!

AND...we liked the guy so much, we've decided to hire them to winterize our pool in November. It's like finding a good mechanic. There are so many fly-by-night people out there, that once you find someone good (whom you can trust), you don't ever want to use anyone else.

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