Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I don't think I've ever had a real Christmas tree. For as long as I remember, we always had an artificial tree growing up. Even when I moved out on my own, I was given an old artificial tree from where I used to work. And from then on, I've had a few artificial ones... most of them given to me... until the one we have now, which I bought at Costco about 10 years ago. Hubby, on the other hand, always had real trees when he was a kid. (I won't get into the debate of artificial vs. real, and which one is better for the environment. That's for another time.)

Every year Hubby asks if we can forget the artificial one, and get a real tree instead. Each year, I've said, "No, maybe next year." But, then I realized that life is too short. The only reason for not getting a real tree is the cost. Why pay for a real one, when we have a perfectly good artificial one downstairs? Well, the cost isn’t that much, so I decided it was time. I told him this year he could get whatever tree he wanted.

But, I was very adamant that he get a 'normal' size tree. I know him. And I didn't want him going all "Clark Griswold" on me with the tree. We decorated the house, and picked out the space for the tree. So, yesterday I went with him, to make sure he didn't come home with some 38 foot, $500 behemoth.

We picked it out at the local nursery. It's a Douglas Fir. We cut the end off, and drilled holes in the trunk for the water. And set it up in our newly purchased tree stand.

I wanted to decorate it right away, but apparently we have to wait to let the branches fall a little. It does look a little flat on one side, and some of the branches need a little trimming too. (mmmm... Is that what they mean when they say "trimming the tree" !!)

So, I sit and wait. We are going to decorate it tonight. And vacuum up the needles that have already fallen. And despite my concerns about it being 'messy' and having to water it every day, I do have to say... I like the smell! It makes the house smell so Christmassy!

1 comment:

RV Diva said...

We always had a real tree until your brother was 1 or 2 and we got the artificial tree. Guess you can't remember that far back!!!!