Check out Karen's blog A Peek at Karen's World, and Jennee at Cheap Therapy for details on Project 52. It's basically a list of 52 things you want to accomplish this year.
Anyways, I'm a little late getting started. So, my list isn't exactly at 52 items yet. But, I am going to work on it. Below the list, is my 'catch-up' entry for the weeks I missed.
1) Try two new recipes every month (1/24)
2) Go to the theatre more often
3) At least once a month, reach out to a friend I haven't talked to in a long time (1/12)
4) Go to a Yoga class
5) Go to the spa and get a massage
6) Organize the music on my iPod
7) Organize the pictures on my computer
8) Make a back-up of my home computer hard drive
9) Scrapbook at least 2 pages every month (0/24)
10) Finish scrapbooking the Wedding Album
11) Finish my 2011 scrapbook calendar
12) Get our Wills done
13) Eat healthy
14) Drink more water
15) Get more exercise
16) Lose 40 lbs (2/40)
17) Travel somewhere I haven't been before
18) Read 20 books (1/20)
19) Do something 'different' with my hair
20) Organize my office
21) Do a training class at work
22) Get a new TV for the living room
23) Paint the garden shed
24) defrost the little freezer downstairs
25) clean my oven (yes, it's old, and not self-cleaning! yuk!)
26) Get rid of the old freezer in the garage
27) Clean out and organize the garage
28) Create a budget, and track our expenses
29) Cross Stitch more
30) Complete the Christmas cross-stitch patterns from last year
31) Make Christmas cards for Christmas 2011 before Dec 1st
32) Clean out my closet, donating clothes I don't wear anymore
33) Cook hubby his favourite meal
34) Do some kind of volunteer work
35) Have dinner at a fancy restaurant
36) Sell the old coffee table, and end tables on Craigslist
37) Invite people over for dinner more often
38) Go to the theatre to see a play or musical
39) Go out for lunch with someone once a month (0/12)
52) Blog about my "Project 52" every week (2/52)
Ok... I still have 12 more to come up with, but I think I can do that. And, I am really surprised to see how many people have the same ideas on their lists!

Week One (January 10th) and Week Two (January 17th)
Item #1 - I did try a new recipe already. I made caraway rye bread in the bread machine, but modified the recipe, and didn't put any caraway seeds in it. So, I guess it was just rye bread. But, it was yummy!
Item #3 - I emailed a guy that I used to work with about 2 1/2 years ago. He worked in the UK office, and lives in England. We had met each other a few times in the 18 months that I worked there. And we talked on the phone or email about 2 or 3 times a week. When the company was sold, he was laid off... which was about 6 months after I left the company. I've only seen him once since then, about 2 years ago. This week, we emailed each other, exchanged information, and got caught up on gossip. It was nice to hear from him, and know that he's doing well.
Item #16 - yeah, I lost two pounds since New Year's. Not a real big accomplishment, but at least I didn't gain!
Item #18 - I finished the 3rd Millenium book on Saturday (The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest). I'll post a review later this week.
Item #52 - I'm cheating a little, as this concludes the first and second of 52 blogs entries about my Project 52!
You've got a great list. We have some of the same goals! Keep up the good work!
Glad you found Project 52 and it looks like you are off to a great start! Looking forward to reading about your adventure each week.
I'm so glad you decided to join us! This is a fun list. I look forward to reading all about your journey this year!
Great list! I should have added the 'organizing my pictures' into my list. They are just scattered everywhere on my computer!
Looking forward to reading about your progress!
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