Here's a link to A Peek at Karen's World or Cheap Therapy.
(the linky thing didn't work last week for me, so I'm hoping I can get it to work this week!)
Well, it hasn't been a great week for me. I spent the better part of the week with a fever, feeling sick. I called in sick to work on Tuesday and slept all day. I worked the rest of the week, but after work, would crash on the couch for a few hours before going to bed. On Friday, and the rest of the weekend, my fever turned into a full blown cold/flu, complete with stuffy nose, achy joints, and oh so very tired. Besides work, all I've done is sleep. I slept all day Saturday. I only peeled myself off the couch to get more tissues, to go to the bathroom, or to get something to drink. Sunday, I managed to get out for a bit to do a bit of grocery shopping, and actually cooked dinner. But, hubby helped me with dinner, and that's about all I did. Needless to say, I haven't gotten anything accomplished on my Project 52 list. But, then again... we have all year, right?
Here's what I do have. And right now, I'm REALLY glad I added #52 to my list!! :-)
21) Do a training class at work
I signed up to do the Fixed Assets module training this year. It wasn't supposed to be until the Fall, but it got bumped up to the first week of March. I don't have to go to Dallas for it, but I do have to go to Victoria. I made the hotel reservations on Friday, so now it's a given. The training class will be March 8 to 10, but I'm heading over on the Monday (the 7th). I can't wait. One... because I've wanted to learn this module for a long time now. And two... because I will get to cross something else off on the list!
52) Blog about my "Project 52" every week (7/52)
Yup... really happy I added this one! :-)
I'm so sorry you've been feeling sick. That's the worst. Get better!
And good luck with that training. Sounds interesting.
That flu/fever thing is going around everywhere. It knocked me out and I'm still exhausted. Hope you get to feeling better!
I hate getting sick. I hope you feel better soon! It's been ages since I went to a training session for work. The best part for me was always getting to stay in a hotel and meeting new people. I always found the training part pretty dull, but then again I find my job pretty dull. ;-)
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