Saturday, March 12, 2011

Weekend update

It's been a busy week, and I haven't posted for a long time. So, I thought I would just give you the highlights of the week...

- That saying, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks"... well, exactly how old do you have to be before you are considered an "old dog"? Because I'm 45, and let me tell you.... being in a training class for 3 days is a LOT of work! I learned a lot of new tricks this week, and my brain is fried as a result. Fried! Like so fried, that I go to the grocery store to pick up groceries, and I specifically put something in the cart because I have a $1.00 off coupon, and I pay for the stuff, and come home, and it isn't until I'm unpacking the groceries, that I realize the coupon is still in my pocket. Sheesh!

- I'm so used to working from home, and being by myself a lot, that I actually get exhausted being in the office, and having to make small talk with everyone. It's very draining to look happy and excited to see everyone, even if you are truly happy and excited to see everyone.

- Charlie Sheen is ranting and raving and having a very public meltdown the last couple of weeks. Or so I've heard. While in the office, a bunch of people did mention it. Apparently, it's all over Facebook, Twitter, TV, etc. Me? I haven't heard too much about it all. Sometimes, it's nice to be as 'unplugged' as I am, and then I don't get sucked into hearing about things I don't care about. Like Charlie Sheen.

- The burgers on the Ferry, are great. The poutine... not so much.

- Found a great little ebook conversion program online and got a bunch of free ebooks from a coworker. This alone was worth the trip to the office this week.

- Watched the Earthquake and Tsunami coverage from Japan this weekend. No words to describe the devastation and what they are going through. But, I am reminded how things would be here if the "big one" hit the west coast. I looked it up... our house is 300 feet above sea level, so a Tsunami would likely not hit our house. But, earthquake damage would. These are not pleasant thoughts. Need to get my earthquake kit in order soon! Seismophobia. The fear of earthquakes. That's me right now.

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