It's Monday again, and a busy Monday at that...
After this post, I'm off to finish up some work, pick up a co-worker at the airport, then off to the ferry for a fun filled wonderful four day trip to Victoria for a Fixed Assets training course. (Try saying that five times fast!) At least when I return, I'll be able to cross yet one more item off of the list (the training course is on my Project 52 list). Unfortunately, I don't have too much else done this week, as I spent the week doing laundry, cleaning the house, and packing for my trip.
Anyhoo... time for Project 52 update.
After this post, I'm off to finish up some work, pick up a co-worker at the airport, then off to the ferry for a fun filled wonderful four day trip to Victoria for a Fixed Assets training course. (Try saying that five times fast!) At least when I return, I'll be able to cross yet one more item off of the list (the training course is on my Project 52 list). Unfortunately, I don't have too much else done this week, as I spent the week doing laundry, cleaning the house, and packing for my trip.
Anyhoo... time for Project 52 update.

Here's a link to A Peek at Karen's World or Cheap Therapy for more details.
Done! See my post a few days ago for the recap of the movie.
52) Blog about my "Project 52" every week (9/52)
Not sure how much time I will get to blog this week, so have a great week, and I'll post when I can.
Im going to have to check out the Pillars of the Earth review, never heard of it. Enjoy packing..or the trip!
I've heard of Pillars of Earth, but haven't seen it. I'll definitely check out your review.
Great job plugging away at your list! Have a fabulous trip!
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