When I wasn't blogging for awhile, I didn't really think about the Project 52 list. It wasn't until I started blogging again, that I found that I actually got a few things accomplished during the last few months. So, the first Monday of July seemed like a good place to give you an update. Although we are now 1/2 way through the year, and I don't nearly have 1/2 of my items crossed off yet!

Please visit the hosts of Project 52: A Peek at Karen's World or Cheap Therapy
Here are just a few of the things that I've completed in May and June...
18) Read 20 books (9/20) - I just completed my ninth book this year so far. See the Project 52 list for the list of books I've read. I'll post recaps and/or reviews of some of them over the next couple weeks.
23) Paint the garden shed - We put the first coat on last week, and painted it the same colour as the house. We still need to do a bit of touch up, and do a second coat, but the weather has not been co-operating with us. I will post before and after pics when it's all completed.
42) pay off the line of credit -- finally! I gave myself until the end of June to get this paid down, and calculated out how much I would have to pay out each pay cheque to get this done. I can say that I had to give up shopping for craft items and other indulgences for a few months, but I did stick to my plan! Now... I'm saving my money for a new washer and dryer!
45) Get new contacts -- I finally took the plunge and ordered new contacts from www.clearlycontacts.ca The contacts were quite a bit cheaper than ordering them from my optometrist, and I'm not sure why I hesitated for so long before ordering them online. It was an easy and painless process, and the contacts showed up at my doorstep a mere 6 days later.
50) Buy a new microwave oven -- Our microwave oven was about 20 years old. (really!) I knew it was time for a new one, but we just kept putting it off. We only use the microwave to heat up the odd leftover dinner, or heat up a cup of tea or coffee. We don't cook in the microwave. And we don't even make popcorn in it. So, the need just wasn't there. But, then I saw a GE microwave on sale at London Drugs for $69.99. Similar to our old one, and about the same size, it was cheaper than any I had seen before. But, it was one of those "limited quantity" sales... you know... where there is only one per store, and they mark them down really low, just to get you in the store, and when they don't have any left, they expect you to buy the other more expensive one? Well, I fooled them. We walked into the store the morning that the flyer started... 10 minutes after they opened in the morning, found the one microwave that was on sale, threw it up on A's shoulders, and walked over to the check-out to pay. There was only one in our local London Drugs, and we got it! Yeah! Bye bye old microwave. Hello new one! And wow!! What a difference. It used to take 3 minutes to heat up a cup of tea. Now, it's only 30 seconds. And I don't have to unplug the toaster when I start the microwave, because you can actually have the microwave on at the same time as the toaster and not blow a breaker! Imagine that!
Stay tuned for more updates.
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