Thursday, October 25, 2012

Freak out

I'm officially on vacation as of this afternoon!! Yeah! And I don't have to go back to work until Halloween day. But, what a way to start my vacation! Here's the story of what happened...

Driving home from work, I decided to stop and get a tank full of gas. Near the gas station, and not far from home, I stopped at a green light in the intersection to let a fire truck go by. Flashing lights and sirens and coming straight towards me. I'm thankful I heard the sirens and stopped before I entered the intersection, otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to let him pass as quickly.
As he turned in front of me, and headed down the road towards my neighbourhood, I secretly said to myself, "I hope he's not going to my house!".
I went to the gas station, and headed home. As I turned the corner and headed up my hill, what did I see in front of me??? The fire truck. Lights still on. Sitting directly in front of my driveway!!
My heart stopped.
At least it felt like it stopped. Maybe it just skipped a beat or two.
In a dream-like state, I pulled up the road, and over to the side in the cul-de-sac to see what was going on, as I absentmindedly reached for my phone to call my husband.
"Is he OK?" I thought, and then "Why am I going to phone him? I should just park the car and go in the house!"
That's when I realized that there was an ambulance behind the fire truck. And there was a couple of firemen standing in front of my neighbour's house.
Not my house. The neighbour's.
A quick sigh of relief, and then a fireman wandering over towards me.
"I'm trying to get into that driveway over there", I said.
"And there's a big red truck in your way, isn't there?", he said jokingly. "I'll move it for you."
"Really? You would do that? OK. Thanks!"
He pulled the truck away, I pulled into my garage, and ran inside the house calling to see if hubby was ok. When I found him safe and sound, I calmed down. And then, of course, went to take a pic of the firetruck, again, sitting in front of our driveway.
PS -- it was the neighbour's elderly mom that was taken away in the ambulance. I hope she's ok!

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