Tuesday, October 23, 2012

George, and another George

My life seems to be all about "George" these days.
Let me explain...

One -- I don't usually get home from work until after 6:30 or so. Usually, I'm in the door, changed, and making something to eat while the balance of the news is on. When I finally get to sit down to eat, it's 7:00pm. And I do like to have the TV on when I eat. But, there is usually never anything on TV at 7:00pm. Except Entertainment Tonight, of which I am NOT a fan. But recently, the CBC bumped one of my favourite shows from late night (like 11:15pm), to 7:00pm! Which is perfect! Because I was never able to stay up late to watch this guy before, and now I can...
This guy is George Stroumboulopoulos (and yes, I had to Google how to spell his last name!). He does a talk show format, and I find him really interesting and different to watch. I also happen to think he's a great interviewer. He usually has an eclectic array of guests on his show. But, I especially like it because he showcases more Canadian celebs than other shows. Besides, he's not too shabby to look at either :-) He got the nickname "Everyone's Boyfriend" once, and it's stuck with him. So, my hubby calls him my boyfriend.

Two -- It's 10:00pm, and time for me to go to bed. The alarm goes off at 5:45am, so I really need to get my butt in bed by 10:00pm, or I'm just a cranky ole bear the next day. Well, it just so happens that there is a Montreal radio station CJAD (that I listen to on my Ipod) that carries the Coast to Coast AM show.... and it starts at 10:00pm Pacific Time!! I especially like listening Monday to Friday nights, when the host is none other than...
George Noory. He took over the show from Art Bell when he retired a few years ago. The radio show is on late night, and deals with some pretty far-out-there kind of subjects (everything from alien invasions to ghosts to end-of-days kind of things). But, there is something about George's voice that soothes me, and makes me stop thinking about work, and relaxes me enough to help me fall asleep. As a result, I find it hard to sleep now without George playing in the background.

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