Friday, October 5, 2012


It's been unseasonably hot and sunny out. Not that I'm complaining. Well, maybe just a little.
Vancouver and surrounding area is a rain forest. And since August, we haven't got any rain. We are about 95% less rain than normal for Aug and Sept, and it hasn't rained once yet in October. So, while I'm enjoying the cooler nights, the absolutely gorgeous sunny days, and the "I don't need a jacket outside this afternoon" kind of weather, well... I'm kind of missing the rain!
My plants are all wilting. The grass died about 6 weeks ago. I don't know if it will come back. The trees are looked parched and weary. Not to mention me! I think I'm looking a little parched and weary too.

I guess I'm just looking forward to a couple of these
 in the forecast and a lot less of these

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