Saturday, October 6, 2012


For appetizers tonight, we had steamed artichokes with hollandaise sauce.
Those weren't the ones :-) We ate ours too fast, and totally forgot to take pictures. But, that is what they looked like in the store the other day when I went shopping. On Friday, I went to the market to buy enough brussel sprouts from 20 people for our big dinner on Sunday. They had a basket of artichokes like that in the store... 2 for $5.00! So, cheap. So, I picked up 2 big ones. Tonight, we decided to steam them up before dinner, and munch down on them. So fresh and so good. We should really do this more often. Biggest issue we had, was trying to find a pot that they would fit it. I bought 2 really big ones :-)

If you don't know how cook them, or eat them, it can be a little daunting. I was introduced to them a long time ago by an old boyfriend. But here is a great website that I found online that tells you all you need to know.... CLICK HERE

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