Wednesday, November 14, 2012

It sounded like a good idea...

It sounded like a good idea at the time. Left work at a reasonable hour, but traffic was backed up all over the place. My usual hour long commute looked like it was going to be just a wee bit longer. And I was starving. I had soup and crackers for lunch today. At 11:30am. It was now getting onto 5:30, and I was starting to feel it.
I know! I'll stop for a burger on the way home! It's going to be a long drive. I might as well pass the time eating dinner in the car. Right?
I stopped at McDonald's. I don't normally eat at McDonald's. I haven't been to McDonald's in probably about a year or so. I don't "hate" their food. I just don't go there. But sometimes I'll do get a craving for it. Especially their fries. I love their fries. So tonight, I convinced myself I wanted some fries. So, I stopped, and ended up ordering the whole meal deal. I was hungry. It's hard to order just fries when you are hungry. I had a Chocolate milkshake, fries, and a cheeseburger. Nothing super sized. Small versions of all. But enough to get rid of the major munchies, and kill the craving.
Big mistake.
I loved it. Buy my stomach did not. It's still complaining.
At least the craving won't be back for another year or so.

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