Monday, February 18, 2013

Skyfall - Movie Review

On the weekend, we watched "Skyfall", the new James Bond Movie. I loved it. But, then I love James Bond movies. Especially the ones with Daniel Craig. Sean Connery used to be my favourite Bond, but now Craig is. Hubby didn't think the movie was that good. He said it dragged for the first half. But, I thought he was nuts. It was non-stop action from the beginning. Typical James Bond action.
My only issue with the movie was Javier Bardem. That guy just FREAKS ME OUT! Really. Ever since I saw him in "No Country for Old Men", I haven't been able to even look at the guy without totally FREAKING OUT! I'm sure he's a nice guy in real life. But, he didn't play one in this movie. He just FREAKED ME OUT all over again. Even seeing him in "Vicky Christina Barcelona", and "Eat Pray Love" has done nothing to make me look at him differently.
The best part of the movie though has to be the classic vintage Aston Martin. If I ever win the lottery, I'm going to buy me one of those.

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