Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Google Searches

It's been awhile since I posted.
I have to stop saying that. Well then... I guess I have to post more often. My fault, right?

Just to fill in the gap, here are some of the searches that have brought people to my blog recently...

Scrapbooking recipes
Yeah... ok, that one makes sense. Although, I haven't scrapbooked in such a long time...

Brad King's Ultimate Migraine Relief
I posted about that HERE. I get a lot of hits on that one. More than I would have expected.

New Zealand Grey Honey Bee
Ok... this one is a maybe. I'm not from New Zealand. I'm not grey (yet). I do love Honey Bee's (because they make such wonder honey!). I'm not sure why that search brought someone from New Zealand to my blog. Oh well... I hope they found what they were looking for.

seeking balance lady grey saddest wife blog
Oh my! Now that just makes me depressed! I'm definitely not the saddest wife (very happy, thank you!). Seeking balance? Aren't we all? I think I have to blog more happy stuff!

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