Hubby was sick last week. (He's feeling better now, and thank goodness I did not catch the flu from him!). But, on Saturday night this past weekend, we were going through our "wish list" of movies that we wanted to watch. I had added "Life of Pi" to the list at one point, knowing full well, that I would likely have to rent it for myself one weekend when he was off doing other things. It's not really hubby's kind of movie.
Imagine my surprise then when he asked me if I wanted to rent it on Saturday night. My first thought was, "No, he doesn't really want to watch this. He's just got a fever and is delirious!" Then I thought... "Why not! Who cares if he is delirious, here is my chance!"
So, we watched it.
I didn't know much about the storyline or the movie before we got into it. Although, I can now say I know why it was nominated for a bunch of Academy Awards. And Ang Lee won for best director, right? Well, I know why. The cinematography and direction in the movie was fantastic. Actually, overall, I quite enjoyed it. I think hubby did too. Or maybe that was just the Nyquil.
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