Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Having a bad morning

Have you ever had one of "those" days...
Today, I woke up to sirens and traffic helicopters buzzing above the house. An accident on the bridge had me working from home for a couple of hours, instead of spending 2 hours in traffic. Ugh.
I finally left at 9:00am.
While I was approaching the bridge, I realized that I had forgotten to stop and get gas. A quick calculation, and I realized that I wouldn't have enough to actually get to work, and I would have to stop on the way there. Ugh.
Then I heard that there was a stalled semi about 10 minutes away. Ugh. So, I had to re-think exactly which gas station I could stop at. I decided to detour just off the bridge, stop at the gas station in the industrial area, and then take the back roads out of the industrial area to by-pass the stalled semi.
Feeling all proud of myself and smug, I pulled into the gas station. I put my credit card in, only to realize the sign on the pump that said "no credit cards". Ugh. So, I got back into the car and drove around the station to the other side (where the pumps do take credit cards). I got out of the car, only to realize I hit the trunk release and not the gas cap release.
I finally got my gas, and was on my way, through the back roads. Only a few minutes in, and I got stopped by a train. It was moving quite slow, and then stopped all together. Ugh. About 5 minutes later, I decided to turn around and wait out the traffic on the freeway... it would likely be faster. In hindsight, it probably wasn't.
While waiting in traffic, I decided that having that 2nd cup of tea at home just before I left, probably wasn't a great idea. I needed to use a bathroom bad. Ugh. Realizing that I would not make it to work, I decided to stop at the Starbuck's at about the 1/2 way mark to work.
Stopping at Starbuck's, I headed to the bathroom. Sitting there, I realized one big mistake I made. I had forgotten to check for toilet paper before committing myself, and to my horror, there was none on the wall. Ugh. Fortunately, I had some kleenex in my purse!
The rest of the drive was full of traffic jams and construction. I finally made it to work about 10:30. It was not a fun morning, and I'm hoping the rest of the day is a lot better.

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