Friday, March 6, 2009

Four Things Fridays

Apparently, there's a survey on Facebook that makes you list 4 things for each question on the survey. While I don't belong to Facebook, have never logged on, and don't ever intend to (that's another post), I did think the 4 things survey was kind of cool. Here is a shorter version of the survery...

Four jobs I have had:
1. Receptionist
2. Office manager
3. Accounting manager
4. Support analyst

Four movies I would watch more than once:
1. Sleepless in Seattle
2. Batman Begins
3. Notting Hill
4. The Godfather II

Four places I have been:
(I chose to list only the smaller, lesser known towns and places)
1. Landskrona, Sweden
2. Jacksonville, North Carolina
3. Nydalen, Norway
4. Grand Forks, B.C., Canada

Four People who e-mail me (regularly):
1. Michaels (the craft store)
2. K&C
3. Clipper Street (a local scrapbooking store)
4. D

Four places I'd rather be right now:
1. At Starbucks, enjoying a decaf, and reading a book
2. Downstairs, watching TV
3. Shopping
4. Playing in my craft room

Four things I am looking forward to this year:
1. the birth of my 8th neice/nephew in late May/early June
2. the summer months, so I can go swimming in my pool
3. getting some repairs done to the house
4. Christmas (this year I'm taking vacation time at Christmas time)

Four TV shows that I watch:
1. ER
2. The Office
3. Heroes
4. House Hunters


Clare said...

We sure do have a lot of similarities. Two of my favourite movies are Sleepless and Godfather II, I set my clock to the Office on a Thursday, and I would rather be shopping, drinking a coffee and watching TV!

Are you a Pisces? hehe

Miss Lady Grey said...

no, I'm a scorpio. But I have a friend who's a pisces, and we get along famously, and have a lot in common too. :-)