Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ice Roads

There is a new show on the History channel called Ice Road Truckers. It's about a bunch of truck drivers driving cargo from Yellowknife in the NWT to the diamond mines in the far north. They cannot drive the road during the summer, because the road is actually over a bunch of lakes. So, they wait until winter, and drive across the frozen lakes, ON THE ICE!
I didn't think much of the show, until I started watching it. Now, all I can say is "Holy crap!". I would NOT want to do that for a living. It gives me heart palpatations just watching the show. I couldn't image actually being in the truck. And, the whole time you are watching it, part of you is wanting the drivers to be ok...and the other part of you is wanting to see some spectacular crash through the ice. It's on tonight, and it's definitely worth checking out.
And, yes Dad...I'm taping it for you! :-)

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