Friday, May 1, 2009


I love magazines. I especially love cross stitch magazines right now because I'm on such a cross stitch obsession lately. But I also read home decorating, scrapbooking, and Martha Stewart magazines.
The neices/nephews have magazine drives at school. They sell subscriptions to magazines, and when they get so many subscriptions, they get prizes. For the last couple of years, I have subscribed to approx. 4 magazines a year through the kids. That's my excuse for buying so many! It's to help the kids get prizes. But, secretly, I enjoy getting them, and spending an afternoon reading them.
I have 3 that are waiting for this weekend. If the weather holds, they will be enjoyed on the back deck in the sun with a cup of tea. :-)

1 comment:

Pam said...

I used to get several magazine subscriptions. Then I started working in a library and realized I could read all my favorites for free. I let all my subscriptions expire and I've hardly picked up a magazine since. Hmmm...