Thursday, June 25, 2009

blog absent

I've been blog absent lately, as my mind has been preoccupied with other stuff lately.

My seen a few changes recently. Changes that are not working for me. Changes that I am having a hard time dealing with. And, on more than one occasion in the last 10 days, I have threatened to quit because of them. It's putting a lot of stress on me. After all, I'm not really in a position to just up and quit. Neither financially, nor career wise. So, I'm feeling very frustrated right now. And preoccupied.

It's funny how the simplest things in life can cause so much stress. In the greater scheme of life, my problems really don't mean much. I'm definitely working more lately to compensate for the issues I am having. And when I do stop working, I find that I can't shut my brain down. I end up watching more TV, or doing manual chores around the house...all in an effort to keep my mind off of work related issues. I'm spending less time doing the little things that relax me....blogging, reading other blogs, emails, reading my book, cross-stitch, etc. I just can't keep my brain quiet long enough to enjoy anything right now. My kitchen is clean, but my brain is in overload, and I've only posted 2 blogs since last Friday!

I think I need a vacation! What's that? I'm on vacation in July?!?! That's right! It's only 2 weeks away! Look at that! Things are looking better already!! :-)

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