Thursday, June 11, 2009


oh my goodness. I found a blog today. It's actually pretty nice. Has some great pictures on it (and I'm all about the pictures) :-)
She does this "tablescape Thursday's" post, where she decorates her table as if she's having company, and then takes pictures. Looks absolutely lovely! The china, the silverware, the something out of a House and Home Magazine. She also has a lot of pictures of antiques, and lists "antiquing" as one of her interests. And, I love antiques. So, maybe that's what caught my eye.
But, oh my goodness....she has 828 followers!!!! Yes, 828! How is that even possible? And her "Blogs she follows" was about 6 feet long.
She also had all kinds of surveys, and applications down the side bar of her blog. (While I was surfing her blog, there were 27 visitors at the time! How does it know that!?!)
Wanna see what I mean? Check it out at Between Naps on the Porch


Pam said...

It really is beautiful. But how does she manage to find the time to create these "tablescapes" just for fun. She mentions in her profile that she has a full time job. Is this her job? Does she have a shop/business. It all seems a little too much to me, to be honest.

Sandy said...

I stumbled in there the other 6 weeks for the site to load everything. Honestly, I gave up before it finished. Amazingly beautiful photos.

Miss Lady Grey, please visit me tomorrow morning as I have a little game for you :-) I'm giving you the whole address just in case it doesn't post here. Hope to see you in the morning!

Miss Lady Grey said...

Pam...yes, I noticed that too. I have a full time job, and I don't know how she does it either. I still have fall decorations in my living room!!

Sandy -- yes, it took a long time for the site to load on my machine too. ok...I'll stop by in the morning. Can't wait!