Friday, June 19, 2009

close encounters 2

For the 2nd installment of my Close Encounters posts, I give you...

Robin Williams has been to Vancouver on numerous occasions. I've heard stories of people going to the local comedy hotspots, realizing that he is also in the audience, then watching with amazement as he gets up on stage and proceeds to ad-lib some comedy routine. Never rehearsed, and never pre-arranged. The local clubs LOVE it when he does it. And, apparently, he does it often...not only here, but in other cities too. I, personally, haven't been witness to that.

However, on this particular occasion, he was in town to film "Jumanji". (crap...was that really in 1995!!? I'm getting old!!). Anyways, I was at the Pan Pacific Hotel downtown having drinks with friends at the bar. From the bar, you have to go upstairs (either by escalator or elevator) one floor up to find a washroom. After a few drinks too many, I went up to the washroom. After my visit to the ladies room, I decided to wander around a little, to clear my head before rejoining my friends. I got on the elevator a short time later to return to the bar, and found out that the elevator was going up, and not down. Frustrated, and not able to hit the doors-open-button in time, I sighed, and resigned myself to the fact that I was going to go for a ride. I don't know what floor we stopped on, but the doors opened, and in stepped Mr. Williams. My heart stopped.

He wasn't alone. He had this humungeous black guy with him. You know the kind. Black, bald, about 6 foot 7, with arms bigger than my thighs. The kind of guy that can squish your head in the palm of one hand, even though he's smiling at you and looking very sweet and adorable. And there were 2 or 3 other non-descript people that got on the elevator too. I was standing right beside Mr. Williams. He looked at me. I smiled. He said, "Hi, how are you doing?". My jaw hit the floor of the elevator. Then I looked at him. He was obviously looking for an answer. I opened my mouth, and somehow managed to bumble "Hey. I'm fine!" Although, I swear it came out sounding more like "Habe. Bly mineb". Then the doors opened, and he, and his friends, stepped out. He glanced back and said, "Have a great night!"

My jaw was still on the floor of the elevator when the doors shut, and I didn't even try to say anything else. I think about all the things I could have said, or told him. But, I'm kind of glad I didn't say anything. I'm a complete dufus when it comes to being surprised by celebrities, so whatever I would have said, probably would have ended up being really embarrassing.

Back at the bar, my friends didn't believe the story. I guess they were just jealous. :-)

1 comment:

Sandy said...

oh damn oh damn, what would I have said in in that situation?? Something equally clever, I'm sure. I would have babbled something about how I think he is the funniest guy on earth....blah blah blah. The man is brilliant!! Cool story. Now, please take a trip over to visit me and claim the little something I have waiting for YOU!