Friday, June 12, 2009

I've been tagged...

I've been tagged by Sandy at It's a Jungle Out There
It's a random game where you take a picture and post about it. The rules are:
1) Open your first photo folder on your computer drive
2) Scroll down to the 10th photo
3) Post that photo and its story on your blog
4) Tag five friends to do the same
So, here is my picture....

It's my brother, and brother-in-law at Christmas time a few years ago. They are both looking at their cameras, and trying to figure out the settings. It struck me as interesting, because they both looked the same, and are both totally concentrating on their cameras. I quietly snapped this picture of them from across the room.
Now to the hard part...tag 5 others....I really don't follow that many blogs. And I don't usually comment too much on the one's that I do follow. (I guess I'm a little rude in that respect). And, the few that I would tag, have already been tagged. So, I'm totally going to cheat, and say "Tag, you are it!" So, whoever reads this, feel free to be the next person I tagged and post your pic and story.


Alex the Girl said...

Oooo, that's almost like cheating! Great shot. It depecits men and their electronic gadgets and how caught up in them they can get. My husband bought me an iPod for Christmas this year, and I think I disappointed him. I loved it, I was excited, but I didn't disregard the world around me by taking it out and immediately exploring the possibilities of owning an i pod.

Sandy said...

That's a great picture, too! Makes me wonder what they were missing while they were playing with their cameras! Thanks for playing!