Monday, June 8, 2009

more smalls

I made a couple of smalls for birthday cards next month.
One is for hubby, and the other is for my niece who will be 6 this summer. I'll let you guess who gets which one :-)


Pam said...

No six year old is going to be able to resist that adorable butterfly! So sweet!

Sandy said...

Oh, I used to LOVE cross stitch! Pam can attest to that. I always had a couple projects going at the same time. Somehow I lost interest but looking at these 2 adorable 'smalls' I could almost take it up again.

Miss Lady Grey said...

I love to do the "smalls" because it takes so little time. The butterfly I did in one night. The tall ship took just over a week, but that's because I couldn't work on it when hubby was around. :-)
I've tried to do larger projects, get always seem to get part way through them, put them down, forget about them, and never end up going back to them.