Thursday, December 31, 2009

recap of 2009

I can't believe another year has come and gone. Here's a recap of my year...

January - January started as snowy as December was when she left. Around the middle of the month, it stopped snowing, but was foggy for 2 weeks in a row. Our company meeting was held in Victoria. That meant that the girls came up from Dallas and stayed with me, and I got to see a lot of old friends, and meet a lot of new ones.

February - Back and forth. Working in both Finance and Support meant that I was travelling on the ferry way too much, and staying at the hotel way too much. Weather was still snowing (off and on), and a lot colder than normal.

March - a month of new stuff - technology wise...New bigscreen TV. New Digital TV. New camera. New high speed internet. New system at work.

April - Would anyone ever believe me if I told them it snowed on April 1st in Vancouver this year? And then, on April 29th, it was the sunniest, most beautiful day, and got up to 18 degrees! What a change! Also in April, I cross-stitched a lot, and successfully completed a large presentation at work.

May - A busy month at work. I celebrated my 1 year Blog-anniversary. We planted our flowers and the garden. And nephew #8 joined our clan at the end of the month.

June - This month started with beautiful sunshine, and a mini-heat wave...but it didn't last. The rest of the month was cooler (but still nice), with very little rain. We had our roof done. And, on June 25th, the world lost Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett...both on the same day!

July - On vacation for a week, which we spent 2 days in Victoria (of all places!). After all the back and forth to there at the beginning of the year, I thought that would be the last place I would want to be! "A" celebrated his birthday...and the last 2 weeks of July were the hottest on record! We broke heat records from 1960. July 29th and 30th were the hottest... we saw 96 in the house, 104 in the shade, and 120 out by the pool. I've never seen it that hot before! Extreme dry conditions meant lots of forest fires, parks closed, and campfire bans.

August - The beginning of the month brought a bit of relief from the heat. It cooled off, and then on August 10th, it rained!! The weather has been so dry, that we really needed the rain. I spent a week in Victoria for work learning a new module.

September -The world lost Patrick Swayze and my girlfriend lost her husband...both to cancer. The weather was cooler, but still extremely nice and sunny. A's truck broke down, but it turned out to just be the battery that needed replacing.

October - From record hot in the summer, to record cold in the fall. Again, the province broke all kinds of temperature records at the beginning of the month, this time for being so cold. Thanksgiving came and went, without so much as a turkey. I had the flu really bad (I'm now convinced I had H1N1) and threw my back out. But, things went a lot better at the end of the month. I had a week off, and had a lot of time to relax and enjoy life.

November - We had water problems with a plugged downspout, overflowing catch basin, and water in the basement. While the problems still persist, they are temporarily fixed, and will be dealt with permanently in the spring. The rest of the month was full of phone calls, quotes, permits, and contractors. We had a tree removed from the front yard, and our front deck fixed.

December - Back problems, and a pain in my hip had me sidelined for most of the month. Christmas came and went, but because of my problems, it was quiet and pretty laid-back. It was a nice change from the usual hustle and bustle of the holidays. And, I watched a lot of cheezy holiday movies and Christmas specials.

Best Wishes to everyone for a safe and Happy New Year!

1 comment:

RV Diva said...

Happy New Year to you too. Glad to see you're back to blogging. Hope your back is doing better.