Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful today for my chiropractor. While I'm still having problems with my hips and back, and I still wake up each morning in a lot of pain, I'm sure it would be 100 times worse if I wasn't seeing my chiropractor.

I am thankful for my husband. He's been there with the back pain thing, so he knows what I am going through now.

I am thankful that I work from home. I would have had to phone in sick at least 10 times in the last 6 weeks because I couldn't walk. But, here I am, plunked down at the computer each morning with my ice pack, in my sweats, with a cup of tea, and my painkillers. Gotta love the fact that I can make a living while sitting at home.

I am thankful for my boss, who is understanding enough, and has given me the freedom to pack up and run off to the chiropractor whenever I need to.

And, finally, I am thankful this morning that the VPN connections at work are down. I am unable to get my email, unable to login to the tracking system, and unable to work as a result. I needed the extra time this morning to get "moving", so I'm grateful that the connections are down, and I can take my time waking up.

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