Monday, January 4, 2010

New Years Christmas presents

It's 4 days into 2010, and I received some late Christmas presents!! Yes, Christmas presents! Sent to me from my girlfriend in Texas, I don't know if they were sent late, or our wonderful Canadian Postal service is up to their old routines of not delivering things on time. No matter. I blame the Post office. They have issues coming up our "hill", so we don't usually get mail 5 days a week. Nope, we get mail about twice a week, mostly junk mail. Then, one day, around the middle of the month, we will get everything...bills, magazines, gifts, stuff bought on ebay, etc. All at once. But I digress...

My girlfriend sent me a pearl necklace (called a Treasure Pearl), and a snowman snowglobe.

Ain't he adorable??

I'm still listening to Christmas music on the IPod, so this kind of makes my day just come together!

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